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Peer-reviewed articles
  • Estrada, César (2012). “La Iniciativa Mérida y el combate al narcotráfico: Cooperación bajo concepciones inadecuadas” (“The Merida Initiative and combating drug trafficking: Cooperation under inadequate conceptions”), in Revista de El Colegio de San Luis, Nueva época, year II, no. 3, January-June, pp. 266-279. See here

  • Under review: Estrada, César “Violencia Genocida durante los Conflictos Criminales: Lecciones desde México." En revisión por Espiral Estudios sobre Estado y sociedad (eISSN: 2594- 021X)] (Submitted April, 2023).

Working Papers
  • Estrada, César. “Dynamics of and responses to criminal violence in San Luis Potosí, 2018-2023” (Dinámicas y respuestas a la violencia criminal en San Luis Potosí 2018-2023) [to be submitted as a chapter in the book Violence in Northern Mexico, edited by Universidad Iberoamericana].

  • Estrada, César. “Narrativas de paz en contextos de la guerra contra las drogas: Lecciones de la ‘Paz con justicia y bienestar’ en México y la ‘Paz Total’ en Colombia” [paper will be submitted to Revista de Ciencia Política].

  • Estrada, César. “Organized crime, securitization policies and dehumanizing narratives in Central Mexico: A study of extreme violence in the state of Guanajuato” [paper will be submitted to Global Crime].

  • Book Project: Genocidal Mexico: The construction of the Killable and the spread of Extreme Violence in the War on Drugs.

I am working on a book-length manuscript, largely based on the research I conducted for my doctoral dissertation, as a critical examination of the crisis of violence in contemporary Mexico seen through the analytical perspective of genocide studies.

In the media
  • Estrada, César (September 10, 2020). “Fosas clandestinas y re-narrar el horror en México", in A dónde van los desaparecidos. See here

  • Estrada, César (January 26, 2015). “A 70 años de Auschwitz. Nunca más con nadie", in La Silla Rota, Opinión. See here

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